3 resultados relacionados con "Chan, F.".
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Artículo de revista
A new threatened endemic species from central and northeastern Thailand, Dracaena jayniana (Asparagaceae: tribe Nolinoideae)

CONSERVATION, Plant ecology, general, Taxonomy, Life Sciences, Plant Sciences, Universities and colleges, Wildlife conservation, Morphology, Plant Systematics/Taxonomy/Biogeography

Año de publicación: 2012

Artículo de revista
The interactive effects of excess reactive nitrogen and climate change on aquatic ecosystems and water resources of the United States

Climate change, Water resources, Wetlands, Rivers, Lakes, Groundwater, estuaries, Reservoirs, nitrate, Denitrification, Reactive nitrogen, Climate change, Greenhouse effect, Water resources, general, Environmental aspects, Greenhouse gases, Global temperature changes, Hydrologic cycle, Ecosystems, Analysis, Air pollution, Earth Sciences, Aquatic ecosystems,...

Año de publicación: 2013

Artículo de revista
Climate change impacts on marine ecosystems

diversity, hypoxia, food webs, trophic structure, Carbon Dioxide - chemistry, Seawater - chemistry, Research, Water acidification, Environmental aspects, Global temperature changes

Año de publicación: 2012